Poet, editor, anthologist, Kala feels Ecosophical Foundation for the Study of Literature and Environment (EFSLE) aligns itself most beautifully to haiku and allied genres, for haiku (a nature and season’s poetry) takes us closer to being observant and sensitive to our environment and enhances our need for self-expression — which is what literature is all about. She is a life-member of EFSLE and also one of the Executive Council Members (ECM) for its Maharashtra Region.
Kala’s initiatives culminated in founding ‘INhaiku’ to bring Indian haiku poets under one umbrella in 2013. She has taught haiku and allied genres at Symbiosis International University and the Katha National Writers Workshop since 2013. To bring haiku into everyday spaces, Kala initiated HaikuWALL, haikuTRAIL, haikuTALK, haikuWORKSHOP, haikuYOUTH, haikuUTSAV, haikuDHYANA and haikuSTAGE – a weaving together of art forms. FOREST BATHING : SHINRIN-YOKU is a passion with her — for she feels urban residents should understand this beautiful concept. She is the editor of four haiku, tanka and haibun journals. Kala has been a speaker at several national and international literary festivals.
Kala co-edited the award winning »‘Naad Anunaad: an Anthology of Contemporary World Haiku’ (Vishwakarma Publication 2016, Pune), »‘Wishbone Moon’ (Jacar Press 2018, USA) and » ‘EquiVerse SPACE’ (Notion Press 2018, Mumbai), co-authored with Marlene Mountain the e-book »‘one-line twos’ (Bones Journal 2016, Denmark), authored a tanka e-chapbook »‘Uunseen Arc’ (Snapshot Press 2017, UK) and two print books: »‘Haiku and the Companion Activity Book’ (Katha Books 2010, reprint 2017, New Delhi) and »‘Beyond the Horizon Beyond’ Haiku & Haibun (Vishwakarma Publication 2017, Pune).