Areas of Research or Exploration covered by EFSLE
EFSLE is dedicated to discover all the possible areas related to Ecocriticism and also committed to establish a systematized and organized study of its correlation with other streams as well. Quintessentially Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary in its nature, Ecocriticism has a wide range of research prospects. Here we listed out all the explored, less explored and unexplored fields of studies on which our upcoming projects will be based.
As a member of this organization, you are free to choose any one or more areas of your interest.
If you would also like your name cross-referenced in the online directory under any of these categories (Appendix A), please check the one(s) that apply:
- Ecocriticism
- Environmental Humanities
- Environmental History
- Ecosophy and Deep Ecology
- Ecology, Literature and Human Rights
- Ecocomposition & Rhetoric
- Ecological hermeneutics or Ecohermeneutics
- Ecotranslation
- Green Studies
- Ecoaesthetics
- Ecodrama/ Ecotheatre
- Neuroecoaesthetics
- Urban Ecology & Environment
- Ecology and Human Rights
- Gender, Sexuality and Ecology
- Ecofeminism
- Ecopoetry / Ecopoetics
- Econarcicism
- Ecomusicology
- Ecoethnicity and Ecohybridity
- Marine Ecologies and Blue Humanities
- Geocriticism and Spatial Studies
- Place Studies, Regional/Bioregional Studies
- Natural History
- Nature Writing
- Animal Studies
- Agriculture, Food, Gardening
- Avian Literature/ Ornithological Literature
- Ecosurrogacy
- LEGH: An Ecosophical Movement
- Ecopolitics and Anthropocene
- Ecospirituality
- Ecological Psychology
- Ecomedia & Ecotourism
- Railroad Ecology
- Eco-cosmopolitanism
- Ecomythology
- Indian Knowledge System (IKS)
- Indian Ecoculture
- Indian Scriptures and Ecology
- Logic, Ethics and Ecology
- Ecotextuality and Indian Classical Texts
- Econarrative and the Epics (The Ramayana & The Mahabharata)
- Indian Philosophy
- Intellectual History
- Buddhism and Jainism
- English Literatures across the globe
- American Literature
- Asian American Literature
- Asian Literature
- African Literature
- African American Literature
- Australian & New Zealand Literatures
- British & Irish Literature
- Canadian Literature
- Latin American Literature
- Multicultural & Postcolonial Literatures
- Indian Literature in English
- Brazilian Literature
- Caribbean Literature
- Celtic Literature
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Justice & Activism
- Environmental Ethics & Ecology
- Environmental Acts & Rules
- Multilateral Environmental Agreements
- Environmental Management
- Forest and Wildlife Protection Laws
- Ecolinguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Neurolinguistics
- Neuroecolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Film/Visual Culture
- Ecocinema/ Ecofilm
- Ecodocumentary
- Ecocentric Movies
- Ecoscenography
- Interdisciplinary Approaches
- Cultural Studies
- Autobiography/Memoir
- Creative Writing
- Nonfiction
- Pedagogy & Teaching
- Poetry & Poetics
- Religion & Nature
- Human Rights and Gender
- Gender & Feminist Studies
- Sexuality and Gender Studies
- Climate Change
- Sustainable Development
- Sci-fi
- Cultural Ecology
- Science, Technology, Literature & Ecology
- Himalayan Studies
- Strategic and Area Studies
- Ecological History
- Geopolitics
- Anthropology
- International Literatures
- Indian Literature (Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Odia, Bengali, Marathi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Kashmiri)
- Persian Literature
- Arabic Literature
- Yiddish Literature
- Turkish Literature
- Greek Literature
- Chinese Literature
- Japanese Literature
- Korean Literature
- Russian Literature
- German Literature
- French Literature
- Italian Literature
- Spanish literature
- Scandinavian Literature
- Natural Sciences and Ecocriticism
- Ethnobotany
- Ethnobiology
- Quantum Physics
- Life Sciences
Your name, title, affiliation, email, and interests ONLY (all other information provided will remain confidential) will appear in the secure online EFSLE Member Directory for current members.