+91-9953833313 / 9891242768 info@efsle.org

Areas of Research

Areas of Research or Exploration covered by EFSLE

EFSLE is dedicated to discover all the possible areas related to Ecocriticism and also committed to establish a systematized and organized study of its correlation with other streams as well. Quintessentially Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary in its nature, Ecocriticism has a wide range of research prospects. Here we listed out all the explored, less explored and unexplored fields of studies on which our upcoming projects will be based.

As a member of this organization, you are free to choose any one or more areas of your interest.

If you would also like your name cross-referenced in the online directory under any of these categories (Appendix A), please check the one(s) that apply:

  • Ecocriticism
  1. Environmental Humanities
  2. Environmental History
  3. Ecosophy and Deep Ecology
  4. Ecology, Literature and Human Rights
  5. Ecocomposition & Rhetoric
  6. Ecological hermeneutics or Ecohermeneutics
  7. Ecotranslation
  8. Green Studies
  9. Ecoaesthetics
  10. Ecodrama/ Ecotheatre
  11. Neuroecoaesthetics
  12. Urban Ecology & Environment
  13. Ecology and Human Rights
  14. Gender, Sexuality and Ecology
  15. Ecofeminism
  16. Ecopoetry / Ecopoetics
  17. Econarcicism
  18. Ecomusicology
  19. Ecoethnicity and Ecohybridity
  20. Marine Ecologies and Blue Humanities
  21. Geocriticism and Spatial Studies
  22. Place Studies, Regional/Bioregional Studies
  23. Natural History
  24. Nature Writing
  25. Animal Studies
  26. Agriculture, Food, Gardening
  27. Avian Literature/ Ornithological Literature
  28. Ecosurrogacy
  29. LEGH: An Ecosophical Movement
  30. Ecopolitics and Anthropocene
  31. Ecospirituality
  32. Ecological Psychology
  33. Ecomedia & Ecotourism
  34. Railroad Ecology
  35. Eco-cosmopolitanism
  36. Ecomythology
  • Indian Knowledge System (IKS)
  1. Indian Ecoculture
  2. Indian Scriptures and Ecology
  3. Logic, Ethics and Ecology
  4. Ecotextuality and Indian Classical Texts
  5. Econarrative and the Epics (The Ramayana & The Mahabharata)
  6. Indian Philosophy
  7. Intellectual History
  8. Buddhism and Jainism
  • English Literatures across the globe
  1. American Literature
  2. Asian American Literature
  3. Asian Literature
  4. African Literature
  5. African American Literature
  6. Australian & New Zealand Literatures
  7. British & Irish Literature
  8. Canadian Literature
  9. Latin American Literature
  10. Multicultural & Postcolonial Literatures
  11. Indian Literature in English
  12. Brazilian Literature
  13. Caribbean Literature
  14. Celtic Literature
  • Environmental Law
  1. Environmental Justice & Activism
  2. Environmental Ethics & Ecology
  3. Environmental Acts & Rules
  4. Multilateral Environmental Agreements
  5. Environmental Management
  6. Forest and Wildlife Protection Laws
  • Ecolinguistics
  1. Sociolinguistics
  2. Neurolinguistics
  3. Neuroecolinguistics
  4. Psycholinguistics
  • Film/Visual Culture
  1. Ecocinema/ Ecofilm
  2. Ecodocumentary
  3. Ecocentric Movies
  4. Ecoscenography
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches
  1. Cultural Studies
  2. Autobiography/Memoir
  3. Creative Writing
  4. Nonfiction
  5. Pedagogy & Teaching
  6. Poetry & Poetics
  7. Religion & Nature
  8. Human Rights and Gender
  9. Gender & Feminist Studies
  10. Sexuality and Gender Studies
  11. Climate Change
  12. Sustainable Development
  13. Sci-fi
  14. Cultural Ecology
  15. Science, Technology, Literature & Ecology
  16. Himalayan Studies
  17. Strategic and Area Studies
  18. Ecological History
  19. Geopolitics
  20. Anthropology
  • International Literatures
  1. Indian Literature (Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Odia, Bengali, Marathi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Kashmiri)
  2. Persian Literature
  3. Arabic Literature
  4. Yiddish Literature
  5. Turkish Literature
  6. Greek Literature
  7. Chinese Literature
  8. Japanese Literature
  9. Korean Literature
  10. Russian Literature
  11. German Literature
  12. French Literature
  13. Italian Literature
  14. Spanish literature
  15. Scandinavian Literature
  • Natural Sciences and Ecocriticism
  1. Ethnobotany
  2. Ethnobiology
  3. Quantum Physics
  4. Life Sciences

Your name, title, affiliation, email, and interests ONLY (all other information provided will remain confidential) will appear in the secure online EFSLE Member Directory for current members.