You are donating to : Establish a Bibliotherapy Centre in New Delhi
To establish a Bibliotherapy Centre in New Delhi, the first of its kind in India. A therapy to heal the sufferers with the help of Literature incorporating with the ecological concerns.
FSLE-India (nѐe ASLE-Delhi) is as an open academic forum for creative interaction among intellectuals, academicians, environmental activists, naturalists, nature-lovers, and those involved and earnestly dedicated to these issues and who are receptive and undogmatic to one another’s individuality and their standpoints. It intends to amalgamate two relevant issues Gender and Human Rights with Literature and Environment primarily initiated by Rishikesh Kumar Singh what he calls it the LEGH Movement (Literature, Environment, Gender and Human Rights). This is the first venture of its kind where all the four issues are juxtaposed together. This specialty makes this movement relevant.