Jointly organize a
“Language and Literature: Transgressing Boundaries”
31ST Jan 2019
Venue: MREI Campus
Sector – 43, Aravalli Hills, Delhi – Surajkund Road, Faridabad – 121004, (Haryana), India
VIDYANATARIKSHA is a conjugation of the words ‘Vidya’ and ‘Antariksha’. ‘Vidya’ means knowledge, information, the basis of creativity and innovation. It is the foundation of technology and envisages the future. ‘Antariksha’ means ‘the sky’ the space which we belong to or exist. It can be broken into ‘Antar’ and ‘ikshan’ which means inner vision. Hence the combination, the core promise becomes “the reality of inner vision or root of all knowledge”.
Manav Rachna signifies the creation of human beings or individuals with attention to all components of holistic growth. The concept of ‘Manav’ is accorded the fundamental status. The true essence of Manav Rachna Vidyantarikha is thus to create human beings who have an inner desire to gain knowledge.
MRIIRS is a comprehensive, student-focused institution, with students enrolled in a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. We have strong student-faculty relationships, exceptional award-winning faculty and innovative staff. It creates a unifying atmosphere of excellence across all faculties to encourage lifelong learning, teaching, research and discovery.
Our goal is to move each individual forward as a well-rounded, lifelong learner and a good global citizen. To achieve this, emphasis is placed not just on academic achievement, but also on extracurricular involvement. Holding conferences, seminars, debates etc. is part of the regular activity of the institute.
FSLE-India (The Foundation for the Study of Literature and Environment, India)
FSLE-India is an International open academic forum, one of the sister-concern organizations of ASLE-USA, for creative interaction among intellectuals, academicians, environmental activists, naturalists, nature-lovers, researchers and those who are involved and earnestly dedicated to these issues and are receptive and undogmatic to one another’s individuality and their standpoints. It intends to amalgamate two relevant issues Gender and Human Rights with Literature and Environment primarily initiated by Rishikesh Kumar Singh what he calls it the LEGH Movement (Literature, Environment, Gender and Human Rights). This is the first venture of its kind where all the four issues are juxtaposed together. This specialty makes this movement relevant. One of the primary objectives of the organization includes promotion of research in the field of Literature, Environment and Human Rights, promotion of the idea of Sustainable Development, conducting seminars, workshops, symposiums in different states, propounding theories based on Field visits and empirical researches and also to promote these issues through its Theatre Society, staging and performing for the common people.
The Faculty of Media Studies & Humanities (FMeH) is dedicated and committed to train and equip its students with latest knowledge and skills in the field of media and communication technology and also in humanities in the back drop of responsibility and accountability associated with any profession, and to transform students into insightful, honorable and responsible citizens. Department of Media Studies at FMeH makes concerted efforts to achieve the objective, provides the requisite industry connect by arranging expert lectures, industry visits, and practical classes for areas such as Anchoring, Reporting, Digital Media, and News Production etc. all through the academic year.
Department of English at FMeH strives to enable the students to acquire competency, excellence and proficiency in language and literature along with human values and ethics. Its objective is to enhance the language and linguistic skills of the students to enable them to read critically, write analytically, speak effectively and evaluate rhetorical strategies. To strengthen their ability to analyze all forms of literary expressions. To enable students to develop a holistic understanding of literature in English. To enable scholars to pursue advanced research in English Studies and to equip them for further research and career opportunities.
Concept Note
“Language and Literature: Transgressing Boundaries”.
‘Boundaries’ can literally be defined as limits, barriers and limitations. The term connotes the idea of restriction in physical, cultural and ideological sense. In social and cultural discourses, the idea of boundaries can be understood as a metaphysical notion to describe various ideas and concepts which are the foundations of all forms of discrimination and prejudice based on issues such as patriarchy, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, religious affiliation and other forms of classifications.
In the world of literature and other related disciplines of Humanities, the task of scholars on one hand is to explore, analyze, reconsider the various boundaries and barriers and on the other hand is to either present or reform or transform and reshape it in a positive way. Hence the intellectuals get engaged in scholarly projects to curb the boundaries that hamper the progress of not only the society, nation or universe but the entire humanity. In the present scenario, we challenge the fixed and rigid views and ideas of cultural, ethnic and national limits whereby trans- nationality, globalization and in particular universalization becomes prominent.
Literature gives vent to various concepts, emotions, and ideas that are of universal human appeal. Hence connecting the gaps among man-made boundaries is an inherent faculty of literature. Ever since the literary phase of Classical Greece and Rome, literature has been traversing the frontiers of nations and creating new cultural trends. The formation of different literary schools and trends throughout the world is the result of this assimilative power of literature. Literature has been instrumental in advent of new socio-political and economic movements. From Renaissance to globalization- all socio-cultural and intellectual systems are greatly indebted to literature. In the modern times, when ironically the geographical boundaries are getting blurred but even bigger emotional gaps are being created, literature can still utilize its soothing power to bridge the gap and create harmony amongst people.
Language plays a vital role in the development of society and in breaking down the communication barriers at individual and societal level. While studying and teaching English language, one comes across various barriers and boundaries such as dialectical variations, different cultural backgrounds and socio –economic status, regional and caste variation. And, while teaching the language, we come across linguistic barriers such as different grammatical, phonetic, morphological rules that vary in multi-linguistic context. Language teachers are faced with a task to identify the barriers of learners (his/one’s mother tongue influence, identity crisis, cultural background, socio – economic status as well as regional variation) and consequently evolve new methods, techniques, and approaches in order to break and overcome these barriers so that proficiency and accuracy both are achieved by learners.
Throughout the humanities, social sciences and even natural sciences, the concept of boundaries presents various alternative choices and probabilities for scholarly engagement. Considering these circumstances, a platform for the academicians, students and the English language/literature loving people seemed to be appropriate for meaningful deliberations and fruitful outcome. Thus, the theme for the conference: “Language and Literature: Transgressing Boundaries”.
This conference will focus on how the literal and symbolic meaning of a border and a boundary is represented, contested, undermined or “transgressed” in English literature or other disciplines and, possibly, in other forms of arts (film, painting, music and others). The conference will investigate this dynamic subject from the perspectives of literature and language, as well as related disciplines in the humanities and beyond. The theme of “Boundaries” is taken broadly to include as many perspectives as possible, whilst providing a focused environment for discussion.
Thus, we hereby invite submissions related, but not limited, to the following sub-themes:
- Traversing the Boundaries of Nations, Cultures, Ages and Schools of thought in Literature
- Crossing Borders in Gender and Sexuality
- Gender, Language and Ecology
- Ecocritical Language and its Literary Adaptation
- Migration and Diaspora
- Deconstructing Binaries in Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Studies
- National Identities; Sub Nationalism and Marginalization
- Reaching beyond the Readers- Theatrical and Cinematic adaptation of Literature
- Bridging the Gaps between Languages in Literature in Translation
- Language, Literature and Ideologies
- Black Literature and the broken Colonial Boundaries
- Boundaries between Psychiatry
- Literature and Psychology: Intersection and Boundaries
- Applied Literature and the Language of the Field
- Media, Language, and Literature
- Media: Transgressing Boundaries impacting Language
International Conference On “Language and Literature: Transgressing Boundaries will bring together leading interdisciplinary academicians, educators, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world.
The deliberations of the conference will be useful for sharpening the research tools and strategies by the teachers and research scholars. The conference will discuss multiculturalism focusing on the ideological issues of caste, gender, religion, and the social movements affecting the new literatures written in different cultures and regions with a view to bring out the multicultural diversity of the globe. It is hoped that the conference will investigate this dynamic subject from the perspectives of literature and language, as well as related disciplines in the humanities and beyond, the conference will enlighten the delegates and scholars about the nature of the, Transgressing Boundaries the ideological and cultural deep structures lying behind them, and the way the multiculturalism of the writers has questioned the established beliefs and systems to uphold humanism based on the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The aim of this International Conference is to encourage academics, scholars and practitioners representing an exciting diversity of countries, cultures and languages to meet and exchange views in a forum encouraging respectful dialogue.
The outstation participants will have to make their own staying arrangements. However, all help will be accorded in this regard, if notified well in advance.
Registration fee can be paid through Online Transfer to the given Account Detail on the organization website:
No payment through Cheque or DD.
On-site registration can also be done by depositing Cash at the registration counter.
Academicians & Industry Professionals: Rs.1500
Research Scholars: Rs. 1000
FSLE-India Life Members: Rs.1000
Participation Fees: Rs. 500
Research papers are invited on the theme/ sub-themes mentioned. Papers, not covered under the sub- themes, but relevant to the main theme, may also be sent. Abstracts of the papers, in about 300 words, may be submitted electronically (as attachment in MS-word) to
conf.fsleindia@gmail.com / infofsle@gmail.com
The paper must be between 4000 – 5000 words. It should be typed in normal 10 point, Times New Roman. The formatting specifications are: double space with margins-top: 1 inch; bottom: 1-inch; left: 1.25 inches; and right: 1.25 inches. The authors’ names and addresses should be written at the centre below the title. All paragraphs must be indented and justified. References should be in APA format.
- If there is more than one author of a paper, individual registration will have to be done for all members of the team
- Name, institutional affiliation, e-mail, standard mailing address and phone/cell number should be mentioned in the submissions
Selected papers will be published in SCOPUS Indexed Journal/ UGC Approved Journal.
(The papers will not be published in the form of Conference proceedings instead, as an edited book or special issue of the particular journal)
Abstract Submission: 05th January, 2019 (Extended)
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 08th January 2019
Full Paper Submission: 15th January, 2019 (For Presentation)
Final Paper Submission: 15th February, 2019 (For post-conference publication)
CHIEF PATRON: Smt. Satya Bhalla
PATRONS: Dr. Prashant Bhalla, President MREI
Dr. Amit Bhalla, Vice President, MREI
Dr. N C Wadhwa, Vice Chancellor, MRIIRS
Prof.(Dr.) Chandra Mohan, Gen Secretary, Comparative Literature Association of India
Prof SD Sharma, Former Vice-Chancellor of H.P. University, Shimla
Prof. Tej Nath Dhar, Retd. Prof University of Kashmir
Dr. Nandini C. Sen, University of Delhi
Rishikesh Kumar Singh
President, FSLE-India
Joint Secretary, ASLE (North India Zone)
Contact: 9891242768
Dr. Shivani Vashist
HOD English Department,
Joint Secretary of Haryana, FSLE-India
Contact: 9560605789
Mr. Manoj Raut, HOD J&MC
Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Associate Professor
Dr. Sujata, Associate Professor(9582042296)
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gautam, Associate Professor
Dr. Swati Chauhan, Associate Professor(8630486279)
Dr. Suchitra Vashisht, Associate Professor
Dr. Suman Kumari, Assistant Professor
Ms. Roma Ghosh, Assistant Professor
Dr. Jayashree Hazarika, Assistant Professor
Ms. Tripti Tyagi, Assistant Professor
Dr. Dilip K Jaiswal, Assistant Professor, University of Delhi, MD, FSLE-India
Dr. Mahamid Husain, JNU, New Delhi, Vice-President, FSLE-India
BADKAL MOR is the nearest metro station that can be easily approached by the people travelling from Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Ballabgarh etc. After reaching the BADKAL MOR metro station, you can use the public transport (easily available) to reach Manav Rachna university.