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In India there are two affiliated Chapters of ASLE (the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment): ASLE-India (established in 2006) and OSLE (established in 2005). Since October 2011, ASLE-Delhi has been a chapter of ASLE-India. However, after a formal meeting of various scholars of Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University held in April 2015 the idea to form an international organization parallel to ASLE-India came out and this was appreciated and approved by Dr. Murali Shivramakrishnan, the Founder President, ASLE-India and Chief Advisor, ASLE-Delhi. The Committee was headed by the Zonal Joint Secretary of ASLE-India, Rishikesh Kumar Singh, an Ecocritic, a researcher and counselor based in New Delhi and constituted of eleven scholars from different parts of the country. Eventually, In August 2016 ASLE-Delhi has formed its own Executive Council and appointed one Joint Secretary in each state of India (except Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh- In these states two joint secretaries are to be appointed) to meet its various academic goals. Additionally ASLE-Delhi also appoints three to five Coordinating Officers/ Coordinators in each state to work parallelly to the Joint Secretaries and to synchronize with them in any project or assignment.