ETS (Ecosophical Theatre Society)
“Nature is a theatre: when one great player leaves the scene, another great player immediately enters. The play always continues excellently.”
–Mehmet Murat ildan (Turkish playwright and novelist)
Ecodramaturgy or Ecoscenography
This theatre society has an extended wing for Eco-Theatre dedicated to rehearse and research in the field of Ecodramaturgy, known as Vasundharā Nāṭya Maṇḍalā (वसुन्धरा नाट्य मण्डल).
The Ecosophical Theatre Society is dedicated to:
- Ecotheatre or Ecodrama
- Subaltern Theatre
- Theatre of the Commons
- Community Theatre
- Third Theatre
ETS is initially:
an Anti-Elitist Theatre Movement
a Non-Classical Art Movement