EFSLE stands for the Ecosophical Foundation for the Study of Literature and Environment (nѐe FSLE-India)
EFSLE is an open Socio-Ecoliterary forum for creative interaction among intellectuals, academicians, environmental activists, naturalists, nature-lovers, and those involved and earnestly dedicated to these issues and who are receptive and undogmatic to one another’s individuality and their standpoints. It intends to amalgamate two relevant issues Gender and Human Rights with Literature and Environment primarily initiated by Rishikesh Kumar Singh what he calls it the LEGH Movement (Literature, Environment, Gender and Human Rights). This is the first venture of its kind where all these four issues are juxtaposed together. This specialty makes this movement relevant.
In India, The formation of EFSLE begins with the inception of the idea of LEGH and also the setting up of ASLE-Delhi in 2016. A formal meeting of various scholars of Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University held in August 2016 the idea to form an international organization came into existence. The Committee was headed by Dr Rishikesh Kumar Singh, an Ecocritic, a researcher and counselor based in New Delhi and constituted of eleven scholars from different parts of the country. Eventually, In August 2016 ASLE-Delhi has formed its own Executive Council and appointed one Joint Secretary in each state of India (except Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh- In these states two joint secretaries are to be appointed) to meet its various academic goals. Additionally ASLE-Delhi also appoints three to five Coordinating Officers/ Coordinators in each state to work parallelly to the Joint Secretaries and to synchronize with them in any project or assignment.
On February 06, 2017 during a seminar held at Bharati College, University of Delhi, in its first GBM (General Body Meeting), the Executive Council of ASLE-Delhi has decided to rename it as FSLE-India (Foundation for the Study of Literature and Environment-India) to fulfill its pan-Indian reception.
While having its incorporation with the Ministry of Corporate affairs, Govt of India, as a Non-profitable organization FSLE-India got registered with its new name on April 10, 2019 and now it’s known as EFSLE (Ecosophical Foundation for the Study of Literature and Environment). The LEGH Movement, disseminating the core concern of Literature, Environment, Gender, Human Rights under the aegis of EFSLE, has become a worldwide movement through a widespread programme known as Travel & Talk: An Ecosophical Expedition.